As a patient, family member or responsible guardian, you have the right to:
Appropriate and compassionate care at all times regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, marital status, ethnicity, or national origin
Receive care that takes into consideration the psychosocial, spiritual and cultural values that influence the way the patient views their abilities
Expect reasonable safety in the performance of procedures and safety in the environment
Be free of verbal, physical and psychological abuse
Exercise any of these rights as a patient of this agency
Be treated with respect and dignity to yourself and property
Communication in a language or form you understand
Be referred to alternative service if this agency is unable to provide the necessary care or for any reason denies you service
Voice grievances regarding treatment/care without discrimination or reprisal for voicing those grievances
To refuse treatment and be informed of the medical consequences of that refusal
Request information in advance of any changes in the plan of care
Participate in planning your care and treatment or any changes in your care
Be informed in advance of any changes in the plan of care before being made
Receive appropriate instruction and education regarding your care plan
Be informed in the discipline of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and the frequency of proposed visits
Expect reasonable continuity of care, including discharge planning and discharge instructions. Patients are entitled to information concerning continuing health needs, alternatives for meeting those needs and be involved in discharge planning.
Confidentiality of your clinical records and be informed of the agency’s policy regarding the disclosure of your clinical records for any purpose
Review your clinical record
Be advised in advance the extent to which payment for services is expected from you
Have access to all invoices for services and receive an explanation of their reimbursement charge regardless of the source of payment
Grievance Policy
Breakthrough Behavior is committed to providing compassionate and quality ABA services. We recognize that differences and disagreements may arise during the treatment and intervention process and it is our desire to resolve such instances in a manner that is expeditious and prudent for the benefit of the patient and their parent(s)/guardian(s). If at any time a disagreement arises between a parent/guardian and Breakthrough Behavior, we ask that the parent/guardian report the matter to the Clinical Supervisor for the patient’s program. If the patient’s Clinical Supervisor is unable to resolve the matter it is to be reported to the patient’s Clinic Manager at the clinic in which the patient receives services.
Monterey Clinic: Melanie Mecchella (831) 220-0739
Salinas Clinic: Brooke Meadows (831) 244-0582
Soledad Clinic: Daisy Zarate (831) 223-4949
If the matter cannot be resolved with the Clinic Manager, the patient or parent/guardian can file a formal grievance with Breakthrough Behavior. The Vice President of Clinical Excellence is responsible for overseeing the grievance process. Should the subject of the grievance be the VP of Clinical Excellence, the Chief Executive Officer will work with the patient or parent/guardian to aid in filing a grievance.
After the steps mentioned above have been completed and if the team is unable to reach an agreement, the team may agree that Breakthrough Behavior can no longer meet the needs of the consumer and their family. Discharge procedures may take place at this time.
​A parent/guardian has the right to bring an advocate or representative to any internal grievance procedure. Parents/guardians may choose to inform their insurance provider or other funding source with any concerns they have regarding the program if the consultation with Breakthrough Behavior continues to be in disagreement. In addition, parents/guardians may choose to make a report to the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence (BHCOE) [] and the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB) [].